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Infosheets: Consumer Usability and Enterprise Control

Infosheets on Zing

We’ve developed infosheets to share with your organization and that explain Zing’s unique capabilities, as easy to share PDFs:

  • Zing Data Capabilities describes Zing Data’s visual querying, charting, and collaboration functionatlity, complete with screenshots.

  • Zing Data Security and Compliance addresses some of the most common questions about security, compliance, and data security that we’re asked by CTOs and VPs of Engineering considering Zing.

To get started

Just download the app on iOS or Android and use a sample dataset, or add your own Postgres database (more database sources coming soon).

You can download the Zing Data app on iOS and Android:

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zing-data-collaborative-bi/id1563294091

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.getzingdata.android

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