Embedded Analytics

Flexible embeds up and running fast. Have analytics embedded in your app in less than 15 minutes with Zing embedded analytics.

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Embedded Analytics

Powerful and flexible integrations

Embedding analytics into your platform allows for seamless integration of powerful data insights directly within your application.

Enable powerful capabilities such as
natural language querying powered by OpenAI, tap to 'deep dive', interactive graphs (line, bar, pie, data table, etc) with full interactivity such as zoom / hover states / etc.
Accelerate time to value
for customers by hi-lighting the value of your product with interactive analytics.
Unlock new revenue streams
for value-added analytics.
Zing's Javascript library and native SDK for React
makes embedding robust analytics in your app fast and easy.
Powerful and flexible integrations

Embed performant dashboards with just one Embed ID

You have the freedom to embed your dashboards in two ways:

Full Dashboard Embedding:
Share your entire dashboard as a cohesive unit, with a single embed id, preserving the layout you created visually within Zing. This keeps the layout / formatting of your dashboard and the charts / analyses within it without needing to recreate the layout within your app or site.
Individual Chart Embedding:
Embed charts individually if you want individual charts on various screens or tabs of your app and need more specific control over layout.
Embed performant dashboards with just one Embed ID

User aware and secure

Securely customize analytics to each user based on their account, role, and other attributes.

Inherit user access controls from your app
to customize end-user experiences based on chart controls.
Robust security
with session token authentication and row-level access.
User aware and secure

Built for scale

Each person in your organization can set up the alerts that matter to them - no code or requests to an analytics team needed.

Save on in-house costs
of maintaining complicated data-serving infrastructure and complexities of over- or under-provisioning.
Zing scales to heavy analytics loads in dozens of countries concurrently
and is built to load-balance and auto-scale based on your traffic.
Full analytics on how your embeds are used
with the same powerful querying tools you're used to in Zing.
Choose update frequently for your use case
from full-live, every minute, every 5 minutes, every 15 minutes, every 30 minutes, or every hour. Smart query checks limit database query load to only when new data is added.
Built for scale

Dashboard embedding is now available for the Pro plan and above

Please schedule a meeting with our team to learn more

For detailed instructions go to our documentation and blog post:


Embedded Analytics Blog

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Available on iOS, Android, and the web

Learn how Zing can help you and your organization collaborate with data

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