Zing now supports mySQL, updated charts, and adding colleagues from your phone.

Everything from everywhere

mySQL Support

Zing now supports mySQL databases – the world’s second most popular database (and the most popular free one!).

Add data sources from the app

We’ve also made it easier than ever to add a database to Zing. You can now add data sources from the app just by tapping the ‘sources’ tab in the app and then filling in your credentials.

Better Graphs

We also updated the way charts render:

  • Added horizontal scrolling, useful for charts with lots of data
  • Fixed long x-axis labels no longer overlap
  • Added a ‘selected’ state when you tap on a data point to show its value
  • Introduced colors to make it easier to tell different series apart in stacked bar charts
  • Added additional chart types so you can switch between stacked bar charts, individual bar charts, and data tables
  • Added data labels for each data point
  • Introduced toggling on and off various series

Invite colleagues from the app

We’ve made it easier than ever to invite colleagues from the Zing Data mobile app.

Just run a query, and then click ‘share’ in the upper right corner of the app. The person you invited will get an email invitation from Zing inviting them to Zing and once they accept they’ll be able to see the question you shared with them and access the dataset underlying that question.

To keep you data secure, you can only invite users with the same @domain.com email address as your account.

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